25 MAIO | 19H00 | MÃOZORRA
#sombras | #m6 | #30 min.
O ASSOMBROSO HOMEM SOMBRA, um projecto de investigação sobre as possibilidades das sombras, especialmente as sombras anaglíficas e tridimensionais, como elemento narrativo em palco, gerando uma linguagem cénica a meio caminho entre o teatro, a dança e as artes visuais, explorando os limites do teatral e questionando a ideia de representação, dramaturgia ou coreografia.
O Assombroso Homem Sombra is a research project by David Espinosa into the possibilities of shadows, especially anaglyphic and three-dimensional shadows, as a narrative element on stage. Based on the relationship between the actor-body-object, space-time and the spectator, we will play with light and sound to generate a scenic language halfway between theatre, dance and the visual arts, exploring the limits of the theatrical and questioning the idea of representation, dramaturgy or choreography.